The Only Place to Work & Network

Grow your business or get your work done at the Idea Room, a members only private office and business resource centre located in Waterdown.

Where All Your Ideas
Come to Life!

Are you tired of working from home?  Do you enjoy all the amenities of a coffee shop, but desire some privacy and quiet air to think?  Maybe you’re working on your business and could benefit from connecting with a community of professionals and other entrepreneurs?  

Whether you need a quiet place to focus on your work or a mentor to help make your goals a reality, we can help.  The Idea Room is the only members only private office and business resource centre in Waterdown.

Top 5 Reasons to Join Us


We're situated downtown Waterdown, close to all amenities with ample free parking.

Members Only

A private diverse community with accessibility to resources both in-person and virtually.

Advisory Network

Entrepreneurs gain full-access to a private network of investors, mentors and potential partners.


A quiet, loft like environment with natural lighting, modern decor and flexible space.

Price and Value

You can't find an office space in the area that offers everything we provide and more for less money.

We're More than just an Office

A membership that Keeps on Giving

Having access to office space is one thing, but having access to a vast network of business resources, investors, mentors, potential partners and more is another.  Whether you’re a professional in need of an office or an entrepreneur that wants to turn their idea into a money making machine, your membership has your covered.  

Membership that Gives
In-Person & Virtual Resources
Everything You Need

Join us in-person and/or leverage all of our business resources virtually.

Friendly Price Package

The lowest priced and fully furnished offices and dedicated desks in the region.

Boardroom, Dedicated Desks and Private Offices

Whether you want a private office with or without a window, a dedicated desk to call your own or a boardroom for your meetings, at the Idea Room we have you fully covered.   

Private Office
Dedicated Desk Package